Sharon Walling

Sharon Walling

Sharone was born Texas, moved to and grew up in California, and now resides in Nevada.

While living in San Diego, she performed with several jazz quartets living in the area. She worked abroad as a diplomat in Uganda, Africa. While working there, she established a rapport with expats and helped create events to help keep up the morale of the many embassy employees. Additionally, she played events for the ambassador's at his residence. In the 1990’s, she directed the Nevada State choir. Today, she teaches piano and provides voice lessons. She even teaches piano to mentally-challenged and physically-disabled students, one of whom is a blind student.

Over the years she primarily trained classical but has since fallen in love with jazz and pop. Her current interests include songwriting, which also includes writing parodies. You’ll find her in Cleveland’s every week on Sunday afternoons and Tuesday evenings.





24 July 2023

